Slime Rancher (2017)

Slime Rancher (2017)

февраля 18 2021

Slime Rancher (2017)

Slime Rancher - Bahasa Indonesia Gue bisa bilang ini game terlucu dan terseru di 2017. Gemes banget gak sih grafik begitu. Monggo diliat aja langsung. Subscribe Channel Kedua http. Slime Rancher is a first person life simulation adventure video game developed and published by American indie studio Monomi Park. The game was released as an early access title in January 2016, with an official release on Windows, macOS, Linux and Xbox One on August 1, 2017.


Slime is a common title for the in-game species that inhabit the planet Far, Far Range. They appear from slime racks. Each type, despite its design, has big eyes and a mouth. Goos are very different from the other aspects – shape, size, color and their personality. Yeah, can you believe that every slug in Slime Rancher has its own agenda and individuality? Some species are very friendly and curious, the other may act very hostile and even harm you. However, if you feed almost any kind of slug, you will receive the so-called residue product named here as plort.

Also, all species has emotions and the individual traits you are to consider when raising them. The happier your goo is, the more plorts it is going to produce. Happiness is the most important parameter when the slime smiles and is playful. Random behavior is another thing to keep in mind because it makes your slug to move in various directions to different sides uncontrollably. Fear is what makes any cuties jump scared and have round eyes. Usually Fear happens when domestic slimes see the hostile slug Tarr. Hunger makes the “animals” go the places where it can potentially find the favorite foods. You can recognize the hungry slug because it looks thinner and starts drooling. Also, hungry goos need more food to produce plorts.

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This week I have mostly been playing Slime Rancher.Looks colourful doesn’t it?At first glance it looks like a kids game, right?WRONG!!!Slime Rancher is the most brutal depiction of capitalism that I have ever seen.If you ask me, this game should really have been named Western Culture Simulator… 2017.

We play the part of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky young rancher who sets out for life a thousand light years away on the far far range, where she proceeds to throw the entire population of an alien planet into slavery for monetary gain!She has absolutely no chill!

At the start of the game we start with nothing but a small farm house and a vacpac gun which we use to rip the adorable little alien slimes away from their homes and family, before shooting them into a cage so we can sell their poop for money.Yep, you heard me right, we’re enslaving an entire planet of aliens so we can sell their poop.

The game follows the standard life/business sim formula.Make money – upgrade shit – make more money – upgrade more shit.Slavery has never been so much fun.As far as progression goes you can upgrade plots on your ranch with bigger slave cages, gardens and chicken coops to grow food for your slime slaves…Slime Slaves ain’t gonna poop if they don’t eat!There are also a number of expansions you can purchase for your ranch just in case you fancy giving your slime slaves a change of scenery.

The real fun in this game for me was cross breeding slime slaves.When you do this you get an adorable giant slime slave that combines the attributes of both slime slaves and produces poop of both types.Double poop profit!And how do you breed said slime slaves I hear you ask?!You feed one type of slime slave the poop from another of course.How else?!

Slime rancher download free 2017

Slime Rancher is still in early access and content is being delivered at regular intervals.At the moment there isn’t much end game content and once you have everything unlocked there really isn’t much reason reason to return at present.But I do find myself coming back so enslave slimes and sell poop everytime there is a content update.

Slime Rancher 2020

Beatrix LeBeau is one of the most evil gaming characters I have ever encountered, I give her and slime rancher 10/10 capitalisms – would enslave again.

Slime Rancher (2017)

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