Iffmpeg 3 9 6 – Convert Multimedia Files Between Formats
adminфевраля 10 2021
Iffmpeg 3 9 6 – Convert Multimedia Files Between Formats
- Jan 03, 2017 iFFmpeg is a comprehensive media tool to convert movie, audio and media files between formats. The FFmpeg command line instructions can be very hard to master/understand, so iFFmpeg does all the hard work for you. This allows you to use FFmpeg without detailed command-line knowledge.
- MKV: Matroska Multimedia Container (MKV) is a free container format that is capable of storing an unlimited number of video, audio, subtitles, and picture content in a single file. This open standard format is apt for storing HD video files on the Web and supports almost all types of codecs.
- Iffmpeg 3 9 6 – Convert Multimedia Files Between Formats Word
- Iffmpeg 3 9 6 – Convert Multimedia Files Between Formats To Mp4
- Iffmpeg 3 9 6 – Convert Multimedia Files Between Formats To Pdf
This will convert movie1.3gp file to movie1.flv and will keep the original file settings and will disable the audio content. Converting MPEG to 3GP using FFMPEG ffmpeg -i movie1.mpeg -ab 8.85k -acodec libamrwb -ac 1 -ar 16000 -vcodec h263 -s qcif movie2.3gp.
Video Examples:
* Converting MOV to FLV using FFMPEG
ffmpeg -i movie1.mov movie1.flv
This will convert movie1.mov file to movie1.flv
* Converting Mpeg to FLV using FFMPEG
ffmpeg -i movie1.mpeg movie1.flv
Iffmpeg 3 9 6 – Convert Multimedia Files Between Formats Word
This will convert movie1.mpeg file to movie1.flv
* Converting AVI to FLV using FFMPEG
ffmpeg -i movie1.avi -s 500×500 movie1.flv
This will convert movie1.avi file to movie1.flv and will resize the video resolution to 500×500
* Converting 3GP to FLV using FFMPEG
ffmpeg -i movie1.3gp -sameq -an movie1.flv
This will convert movie1.3gp file to movie1.flv and will keep the original file settings and will disable the audio content
* Converting MPEG to 3GP using FFMPEG
ffmpeg -i movie1.mpeg -ab 8.85k -acodec libamr_wb -ac 1 -ar 16000 -vcodec h263 -s qcif movie2.3gp
Iffmpeg 3 9 6 – Convert Multimedia Files Between Formats To Mp4
* FFV1 Encodingffmpeg -i
* Converting flv to mpg using FFMPEG
Iffmpeg 3 9 6 – Convert Multimedia Files Between Formats To Pdf
ffmpeg -i myvideo.flv -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 myvideo.mpgAudio Examples:
* Converting aac to mp3 using FFMPEG with MetaData
ffmpeg -i audio1.aac -ar 22050 -ab 32 -map_meta_data audio1.mp3:audio1.aac audio1.mp3
This will convert audio1.aac to audio1.mp3 having audio rate 22.05 Khz and Audio BitRate 32Khz and will copy the meta data from .aac file to .mp3 file
* Converting WMV to MP3 using FFMPEG
ffmpeg -i audio1.wmv audio1.mp3
This will convert audio1.wmv file to audio1.mp3
* Converting WMV to FLV using FFMPEG
ffmpeg -i audio1.wmv audio1.flv
This will convert audio1.wmv file to audio1.flv, this will generate only audio content
* Converting AMR to MP3 using FFMPEG
ffmpeg -i audio1.amr -ar 22050 audio1.mp3
This will convert audio1.amr file to audio1.mp3 having audio rate 22.05 Khz
* Converting aac to mp3 using FFMPEG
ffmpeg -i audio1.aac -ar 22050 -ab 32 audio1.mp3
This will convert audio1.aac to audio1.mp3 having audio rate 22.05 Khz and Audio BitRate 32Khz
* Rip MP3 From Video
ffmpeg -i movie.flv -vn -acodec copy movie.mp3
Iffmpeg 3 9 6 – Convert Multimedia Files Between Formats