Github Showdown

Github Showdown

февраля 10 2021

Github Showdown

Update - GitHub Actions is experiencing degraded performance. We are continuing to investigate. Oct 9, 21:45 UTC Investigating - We are investigating reports of degraded performance for Webhooks. Oct 9, 21:43 UTC Oct 9, 2020. No incidents reported. No incidents reported.

Pokemon Showdown Github

Feel free to modify the room intro. The changes will be visible here. GitHub Vue Showdown. Parse markdown text in client side with the power of showdown.js. Wrapped showdown.js as a Vue component, and you. An extendable client for interacting with Pokemon Showdown. A client for Pokemon Showdown! For Python 3.4 and 3.5. This was written to make it easier to write bots, interact with users, moderate chat rooms, and collect data. Limited to 1000 characters.

# Input your markdown here

Github Show Downloads

# Output HTML here

Hello, Vue Showdown! :tada:

Input your markdown here and get the HTML right now!


Set the emoji option below to enable emoji parsing! :smile:

Set the vueTemplate prop below to enable vue template parsing!

# Set vue-showdown props

  • vueTemplate

# Set showdown options

  • omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks
  • noHeaderId
  • prefixHeaderId
  • rawPrefixHeaderId
  • ghCompatibleHeaderId
  • rawHeaderId
  • headerLevelStart
  • parseImgDimensions
  • simplifiedAutoLink
  • excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs
  • literalMidWordUnderscores
  • literalMidWordAsterisks
  • strikethrough
  • tables
  • tablesHeaderId
  • ghCodeBlocks
  • tasklists
  • smoothLivePreview
  • smartIndentationFix
  • disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists
  • simpleLineBreaks
  • requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText
  • ghMentions
  • ghMentionsLink
  • encodeEmails
  • openLinksInNewWindow
  • backslashEscapesHTMLTags
  • emoji
  • underline
  • completeHTMLDocument
  • metadata
  • splitAdjacentBlockquotes

Github Showdown

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