Fresh 2 8 4 – File Managing Approach

Fresh 2 8 4 – File Managing Approach

февраля 20 2021

Fresh 2 8 4 – File Managing Approach

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The group that manages Gulf of Mexico fishing in federal waters says states can keep managing anglers’ catch of red snapper after this year. The popular sport and table fish is still recovering from nearly disastrous overfishing.

The Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council announced the decision Thursday in Biloxi, Mississippi.

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Louisiana’s Department of Wildlife and Fisheries called the decision a major victory for the state’s private anglers.

Fresh 2 8 4 – File Managing Approaches

Environmental groups said, however, that more work was needed to prevent overfishing because each state counts its recreational catch differently. That makes it “difficult to know just how much fishing for red snapper is actually occurring across the Gulf,” said Meredith Moore of the Ocean Conservancy.

“We think it really could work. But the really technical data issue has got to be cracked,” she said.

Sepp Haukebo, manager of private angler reform for the Environmental Defense Fund, expressed cautious optimism.

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“As a Gulf angler myself I am hopeful, but guarded as we move toward a solution that should allow us to spend more time fishing for red snapper and less time arguing over them,” he said in a news release.

Louisiana officials say the data, despite the limitations, is an improvement over previous National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fisheries data, and the states are working to improve it still more.

“Each state’s data collection program has been certified or otherwise accepted by NOAA Fisheries and the Gulf Council as the best scientific information available,” Patrick Banks, Louisiana’s assistant secretary of fisheries, said in a statement emailed to The Associated Press.

Red snapper has been a hot issue in the Gulf, with seasons getting shorter and shorter as fish got bigger and more numerous. In 2017, the Trump administration extended a three-day season to 42 days, even though regulators said the extension could add up to six years to the time required for red snapper stocks to recover.

Last year, regulators agreed on a two-year pilot program under which each state sets dates for and keeps tabs on the recreational red snapper catch in federal waters off its coast. If approved by the U.S. commerce secretary, this would become official policy.

The federal government still regulates commercial and charter boat catches.

Although charter boat captains aren’t affected, Shane Cantrell, executive director of the Charter Fisherman’s Association of Surfside, Texas, called the decision awesome.

“It’s been very much needed, and I think the states are best positioned to regulate the private anglers,” he said.

Each year, commercial boats are allocated 51% of the total quota for red snapper. Private anglers are allocated about 58% of the remainder, with the rest available for charter boats. This year, 2.8 million pounds (1.3 million kilograms) are available to people who go out in chartered fishing boats, with nearly 4.3 million pounds (1.9 million kilograms) for anglers on their own.

And while the recreational anglers’ quota used to be Gulf-wide, it is now divided by state, with each state responsible for setting the dates for each season.

Any Gulf state that goes over its quota will have it subtracted from the following year’s quota. If it catches less, the uncaught amount can be carried over, Louisiana’s news release said.

Banks said the Gulf-wide system often hurt Louisiana anglers because better weather off Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi gave anglers there a better chance.

“Now we have a certain amount of fish reserved just for us,” he said in the news release. “Our Wildlife and Fisheries Commission sets the season for our anglers to catch that set amount of fish and they can set that season whenever they want that best fits our anglers and ensures responsible harvest levels.”

Fresh 2 8 4 – File Managing Approach Pdf

FreeBSD uses the rc(8) system of startup scripts during system initialization and for managing services. The scripts listed in /etc/rc.d provide basic services which can be controlled with the start, stop, and restart options to service(8). For instance, sshd(8) can be restarted with the following command:

This procedure can be used to start services on a running system. Services will be started automatically at boot time as specified in rc.conf(5). For example, to enable natd(8) at system startup, add the following line to /etc/rc.conf:

Fresh 2 8 4 – File Managing Approach Effectively

If a natd_enable='NO' line is already present, change the NO to YES. The rc(8) scripts will automatically load any dependent services during the next boot, as described below.

Since the rc(8) system is primarily intended to start and stop services at system startup and shutdown time, the start, stop and restart options will only perform their action if the appropriate /etc/rc.conf variable is set. For instance, sshd restart will only work if sshd_enable is set to YES in /etc/rc.conf. To start, stop or restart a service regardless of the settings in /etc/rc.conf, these commands should be prefixed with one. For instance, to restart sshd(8) regardless of the current /etc/rc.conf setting, execute the following command:

To check if a service is enabled in /etc/rc.conf, run the appropriate rc(8) script with rcvar. This example checks to see if sshd(8) is enabled in /etc/rc.conf:


The # sshd line is output from the above command, not a root console.

To determine whether or not a service is running, use status. For instance, to verify that sshd(8) is running:

In some cases, it is also possible to reload a service. This attempts to send a signal to an individual service, forcing the service to reload its configuration files. In most cases, this means sending the service a SIGHUP signal. Support for this feature is not included for every service.

The rc(8) system is used for network services and it also contributes to most of the system initialization. For instance, when the /etc/rc.d/bgfsck script is executed, it prints out the following message:

This script is used for background file system checks, which occur only during system initialization.

Many system services depend on other services to function properly. For example, yp(8) and other RPC-based services may fail to start until after the rpcbind(8) service has started. To resolve this issue, information about dependencies and other meta-data is included in the comments at the top of each startup script. The rcorder(8) program is used to parse these comments during system initialization to determine the order in which system services should be invoked to satisfy the dependencies.

Fresh 2 8 4 – File Managing Approach Examples

The following key word must be included in all startup scripts as it is required by rc.subr(8) to enable the startup script:

  • PROVIDE: Specifies the services this file provides.

The following key words may be included at the top of each startup script. They are not strictly necessary, but are useful as hints to rcorder(8):

  • REQUIRE: Lists services which are required for this service. The script containing this key word will run after the specified services.

  • BEFORE: Lists services which depend on this service. The script containing this key word will run before the specified services.

By carefully setting these keywords for each startup script, an administrator has a fine-grained level of control of the startup order of the scripts, without the need for runlevels used by some UNIX® operating systems.

Additional information can be found in rc(8) and rc.subr(8). Refer to this article for instructions on how to create custom rc(8) scripts.

The principal location for system configuration information is /etc/rc.conf. This file contains a wide range of configuration information and it is read at system startup to configure the system. It provides the configuration information for the rc* files.

The entries in /etc/rc.conf override the default settings in /etc/defaults/rc.conf. The file containing the default settings should not be edited. Instead, all system-specific changes should be made to /etc/rc.conf.

A number of strategies may be applied in clustered applications to separate site-wide configuration from system-specific configuration in order to reduce administration overhead. The recommended approach is to place system-specific configuration into /etc/rc.conf.local. For example, these entries in /etc/rc.conf apply to all systems:

Whereas these entries in /etc/rc.conf.local apply to this system only:

Distribute /etc/rc.conf to every system using an application such as rsync or puppet, while /etc/rc.conf.local remains unique.

Fresh 2 8 4 – File Managing Approach

Upgrading the system will not overwrite /etc/rc.conf, so system configuration information will not be lost.


Both /etc/rc.conf and /etc/rc.conf.local are parsed by sh(1). This allows system operators to create complex configuration scenarios. Refer to rc.conf(5) for further information on this topic.

Fresh 2 8 4 – File Managing Approach

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